Our Ontario Child Protection Agencies have no idea how to detect Abuse, Abusers apart from Good Parents and continue to place
children in homes to DIE!!!
Jeffery Baldwin, Randall Dooley, just to name a few.
LoveCry and many other Advocacy groups in Toronto and surrounding areas have been screaming about this for many years and
we have good parents that are never aloud to see their children while our Child Protectors continue to keep placing our children
in unsafe homes with uneducated and dangerous people.
We all need to stand against these insane actions being taken by our Child Protection Agencies.
Our Child Protectors Need Re-Organizing Badly!!!
In the past few years many people have had great problems with Our Child Protectors. For some reason they are just taking
over our families. We, the public, the parents and family members have no say, and still have to pay the taxes that give these
people their pay checks.
Child Protectors do not have to have any formal kind of education other than Early Childhood Education or Social Working Courses
designed by the system for the system and we all know what it is like to deal with these public workers, the gossip, put downs
and disrespect they throw at us every time we contact them. In no way is that type of education going to help any child in
emotional distress let alone a child who has been traumatized and abused. That is just not the kind of education needed to
truly care for children in trouble.
Many times I have seen requests by parents and caregivers for proper medical and emotional care (such as Child Psychologist)
rejected by The Children's Aid Society. The Children's Aid keep telling people the children do not need that kind of help.
In fact we are being told that Psychological help will only hurt the child. We ask if there is anyone within the Children's
Aid with Degrees or Diplomas in Child psychology, and are told, very strongly NO. So then just how are they helping these
The foster families receive tax-free payment to take care of children for Children's Aid, and have little or no knowledge
of how to even deal with kids that have emotional problems let alone know anything about abuse or how to treat someone that
has been abused. No special education to help the children to understand what is happening. Nothing!!!
The Children have been let down to the point of many ending up on the streets, Abused in all forms or dead.
From the Justice System, (Police, Children's Lawyers, Judges, Justice's Of The Peace and Family Lawyers) to The Children's
Aid Societies (All Branches), and Politicians who keep promising to help and change laws to have our Ombudsman free to help.
Even the good Lawyers, who really want to help are being trashed by our Child Protectors (Children's Aid), other Lawyers and
the Justice system if they even try to help the families get through to and help The Children's Aid Society to understand
the problem.
We keep finding children in trouble, hurt or homeless and no one to really turn to because of the red tape, hidden agenda's,
lies in many reports and documents, withheld information, public defacing of many parents.
There are thousand of parents who have had their children taken away just because a child care worker was angry after the
parent showed some sort of emotion. Who on this earth is totally calm and relaxed when their child is or may be in trouble?
Of course if it is not your child you may be able to act without emotion but any good parent would be somewhat emotional if
they learn that their child has been abused.
Parents would also want proper educated help to deal with the problem. I know quite a few parents who wanted and still want
to get their children help from educated psychologists and were blocked from doing so by The Children's Aid Society with help
from our Family Courts.
Children's Aid Society seems to think there is no education needed because they are after all JUST KIDS and if you listen
to The Children's Aid Society they themselves are the Children's Voice.
Many parents find that the Children's Aid Society take their Children away when parents or care giver for reporting some
form of abuse against their child. Canada Court Watch has thousands of cases, Fathers for Justice have as many, LoveCry's
list is growing daily and I am sure there are other groups that I have not gotten to know as yet..
We are told to report abuse against any child no matter whom we may be. In fact for Counselors and Community Workers it is
a $1,000.00 fine if we do not report abuse of children, but when we do we are defaced, slandered and laughed at by The Children's
Aid Society, Police and The Family Court System.
Slain girl 'failed' by system, advocate says
August 6, 2008
By the age of 7, Katelynn Sampson was failed by at least two child service agencies and all the protections they are meant
to offer, according to her family and the provincial child advocate.
Katelynn was found dead Sunday morning in the second-floor apartment of a woman who had been entrusted with her care through
the hands of the Children's Aid Society and Native Child and Family Services of Toronto, according to her mother, Bernice
The woman, Donna Irving, was charged Sunday with second-degree murder and remains in police custody.
The round-faced third-grader slept on a bedroom floor and showed signs that she was assaulted on an ongoing basis, according
to police.
The Globe and Mail
With both agencies declining to comment on their involvement in Katelynn's case yesterday, exactly how the young girl slipped
through cracks in the protocol and routine protections provided by child-service agencies remained unclear.
Meanwhile, the darkest details of her short life emerged through an autopsy performed at the Hospital for Sick Children.
By evening, results were not available because, according to homicide Detective Sergeant Steve Ryan, the severity and nature
of her injuries had caused the autopsy to take longer than expected.
He called the state of the child's body "probably the worst thing I've seen in 20 years of policing."
Irwin Elman, chief advocate for the Office of the Provincial Advocate for Children and Youth, said: "There are a number of
points of protection and they all failed for Katelynn.
Child Welfare has what's thought to be a pretty strict screening process."
That process generally includes a background check and a home inspection. But Donna Irving has "violent crimes on her record,"
Det. Sgt. Ryan said.
A spokesperson for CAS said confidentiality restrictions prevented discussion of Katelynn's case and referred reporters to
the Native Child and Family Services agency.
"We are particularly concerned that Native Child and Family Services had something to do with the placement of Katelynn with
Donna Irving," said Kenn Richard, the agency's executive director, adding that an internal review was being conducted.
Yesterday evening, investigators began a search of Ms. Irving's apartment and appealed to those with knowledge of Katelynn's
life or any abuse to contact police.
Learn To Recognize Abuse
-- The Damage Done --
Angel Femia
The Toronto Street News
For Information on abuse or healing abuse please visit our web site:
Many people have not yet realized that within our society the ways in which we think towards each, speak to each other and
act towards each other are very abusive. We some how missed the realization that emotional pain begins in our brains {right
side} and thus causes more damage then anything else can, when out of balance. Our emotional brain causes much of the physical
illness we have on the earth today, and all of the emotional illnesses.
Our brain runs our bodies thus without it working properly we are missing a great deal. Many abuses cause physical pain and
injury, but all abuses cause emotional pain and the hardest part to heal within an abuse victim is the emotional pain left
from the horrid experience.
We all recognize to some degree that Physical and Sexual Abuse exist,
but what about:
Verbal Abuse,
Psychic Abuse,
Ritual Abuse
Emotional Abuse.
Below are some of the most commonly used abuses and if we are honest with ourselves we will see clearly that we all need to
change in order to heal ourselves and the world we live in and most of all our children and future generations:
Physical Abuse is any form of touching {punching, use of a material object of any kind, kicking, physical restraints of any
kind, beating, slapping around the head} in anger, frustration, violence, or negativity. {and more}
Sexual abuse is any form of unwanted sexual attention, (examples: seduction, verbal sexual harassment, child molestation,
child pornography, rape ect.)
Verbal abuse is any form of degradation, humiliation, or threats. This includes all forms of gossip, lies, and/or verbal manipulation,
such as:
Covert or double messages, brainwashing, intimidation, degradation and humiliation.
Physic Abuse is in the form of silent and verbal manipulative head games,
Peer-pressure, mental seduction, (sexual, material, emotional), covert or double messages, brainwashing, degradation, humiliation,
silent judgments, jealousy, isolation, and mental intimidation. Ignoring while pretending to be listening, peer pressure,
material, emotional or sexual seduction, alienation of affections, neglect, brainwashing, and covert messages are the most
commonly used on a daily basis in our lives. We are just beginning to realize the damage done by this form of thinking. Silent
hatred {racism, jealousy, resentment, judgments ect. }, are also included in this abuses.
Road Rage for instance.
It’s done daily and causes grave harm to anyone involved but how often do we look at the emotional impact of Road Rage.
If no physical or material damage was done are we opened eyed to the fact that some emotional damage was done.
If I cuss you out and call you degrading names, do you not feel hurt or angered emotionally?
If I carry that negative emotion into my day do I not make mistakes due to it?
Ritual Abuse is when any Godly belief system is being used to control, intimidate, seduce or change another's free will to
believe whatever they choose to believe -OR- when one is being used in any form of religious or coltish ceremony against one's
belief such as: verbal or physic brainwashing, sexual seduction, emotional seduction, ceremonial games, bribery, and more.
Ritual Abuse comes in many forms:
Practising the Ten Commandments Backwards
The Tenth Commandment is “Though Shalt Not Kill.” Satanic perception of this law is: “Thou Shalt Kill.”
--- or another example --- “Though Shalt Not Lie”
Satanic Followers again perceive this rule to read: “Though Shalt Lie.” These backward laws can be found on the
back page of The Satanic Bible.
Black Magic:
Magic preformed with only lust, selfishness and greed for motivators, preformed only for self- gain, with no regard as to
what happens to others or our world and universe.
Ritualistic Ceremonies conducted to gain control or harm others, through fear and major head games.
I searched the web for statistics on abuse. I found a great deal and most do not match in numbers or percentages. Love Cry’s
estimates are much higher as we deal with those who never report their abuses to the authorities on a daily basis.
Physical abuse: In 1998, about one third (31%) of investigations involved physical abuse as the primary reason for the investigation.
Physical abuse was confirmed in about one third (34 %) of these investigations, a rate of 2.25 cases of confirmed physical
abuse for every 1,000 children in Canada.
Sexual abuse: One in ten (10%) investigations in 1998 involved sexual abuse as the primary reason for the investigation. Sexual
abuse was confirmed in more than one third (38%) of these cases, a rate of 0.86 cases per 1,000 children.
Neglect: Neglect was the primary reason for investigation in 40% of all cases in 1998. Neglect was confirmed in 43% of these
cases, a rate of 3.66 cases per 1,000 children.
Emotional maltreatment: In 1998, 19% of all investigations involved emotional maltreatment as the primary reason for the investigation.
Emotional maltreatment was confirmed in more than half (54%) of these cases, a rate of 2.20 cases per 1,000 children.
Statistics below found at :
Child Abuse: A fact sheet from the Department of Justice Canada
In 1992, child protection authorities put about 40,000 Canadian children into foster care or other settings away from their
home. In many of these cases, abuse was a factor.
In Ontario in 1993, Children's Aid Society investigated over 13,000 cases of child physical abuse. This is compared to 3,546
ten years earlier. Children 3 years old or younger are most often investigated for neglect. Children 12 to 15 years old are
most often investigated for physical abuse.
Information on abusers
In a national study, abused women reported that their partners had also abused their children:
physically – 26% of the time
psychologically – 48% of the time
sexually – 7% of the time
Another study reported that almost all sexual abusers of both boys and girls are heterosexual males. Children know their abuser
in over eight out of ten cases. More than four out of ten are fathers or father figures.
More than one in four lesbian, gay and bisexual youth go through violence at home after they tell their family about their
Above Information found at:
Springtide Resources
World Wid Child Abuse Statistics:
Some Worldwide Child Abuse Statistics
Worldwide, approximately 40 million children are subjected to child abuse each year (WHO, 20014).
Suicide is the third leading cause of death in adolescents around the world (WHO, 20025).
One study revealed that about 30% of all severely disabled children relegated to special homes in the Ukraine died before
they reached 18 years of age (Human Rights Watch, 20016).
UNICEF estimates that two million children died as a result of armed conflict during a recent 10-year period, and that another
six million were injured or disabled (Human Right Watch, 20017).
In Canada, the U.S. and Mexico, over 6.5 million children annually are exposed to unwanted sexual materials over the Internet;
over 1.7 million of these report distress over exposure to these materials (Estes & Weiner, 20018).
Each year, approximately one million more children around the world are introduced into commercial sexual exploitation (Casa
Alianza, 20019).
Sexual abuse statistics vary between countries and reports, but are consistently alarming: One country's research indicates
that up to 36% of girls and 29% of boys have suffered child sexual abuse; another study reveals up to 46% of girls and 20%
of boys have experienced sexual coercion (The 57th session of the UN Commission on Human Rights10).
Below are Links to other pages of information and stories of some of the Mistakes of our Child Protection System.
Changes are truly Needed!!!
Just Click on the Graphics below!!!
Click The Banner Below To Learn About Jeffrey Baldwin.
Jeffrey died of Starvation while being cared for by The Catholic Children's Aid Society!!!
Jeffrey Bladwin, Died while in Care
The Catholic Children's Aid Society
Amanda's Memorial Page For
Richie Van Den KerKoff: Children's Aid Responsable